
Useful Bulgarian Vocabulary – Contrary Words

Learn Bulgarian Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Bulgarian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Bulgarian with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Bulgarian vocabulary!

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young mlad
old star
empty prazen
full pŭlen
vertical vertikalen
horizontal khorizontalna
useful polezen
useless bezpolezen
a city grad
a village selo
a question vŭpros
an answer otgovor
sad tŭzhen
happy shtastliv
all vsichko
nothing nishto
a teacher uchitel
a student student
early rano
late kŭsen
open otvoren
closed zatvoren
first pŭrvi
last posledno
secure siguren
dangerous opasno
near blizo do
far dalech
sugar zakhar
salt sol
dry sukha
wet mokŭr
often chesto
rarely ryadko
always vinagi
never nikoga
same edin i sŭsht
different razlichno
dirty mrŭsen
clean chista
the evening vecherta
the morning sutrinta
small malŭk
large golyam
rich bogat
poor bedni
the ceiling tavana
the floor podŭt
animal zhivotno
human chovek
guilty vinoven
innocent nevinen
here tuk
there tam
hunger glad
the thirst zhazhdata
the sun slŭntseto
the moon lunata
the sister sestrata
the brother bratŭt
slow baven
fast bŭrz
before predi
after sled
heavy tezhŭk
light svetlina
old star
new nov
easy lesno
difficult truden
start zapochnete
finish zavŭrshek
friend priyatel
enemy vrag
yesterday vchera
tomorrow utre
cold stud
hot goresht
right tochno
left nalyavo
a woman zhena
a man chovek
inside vŭtre
outside navŭn
strong silen
weak slab
soft meka
hard tvŭrd
a lot mnogo
a little malko
up nagore
down nadolu
exactly tochno
probably veroyatno
married zhenen
single edinichen
noisy shumen
quiet tikho
complicated slozhno
simple prosto
now sega
later po kŭsno
long dŭlgo
short kŭs
interesting interesno
boring skuchno e
normal normalno
strange stranno
outside navŭn
inside vŭtre
the entrance vkhodŭt
the exit izkhoda
white byalo
black cheren
expensive skŭpo
cheap evtino
to walk da vŭrvish
to run da byagam
to attach da prikacha
to detach da se otdelya
to go up da se kacha nagore
to go down da slyaza nadolu
to increase uvelichavam
to decrease da namalyava
to stop da spra
to continue prodŭlzhavam
to take off da izlitam
to land da katsne
to put on da se oblicha
to remove da premakhna
to move forward da vŭrvim napred
to move back da se dvizhi nazad
to forget da zabravya
to remember da zapomnya
to show da pokazha
to hide da se skrie
to save da zapazya
to spend kharcha
to build da se izgradi
to destroy da unishtozhi
to arrive pristigam
to leave da napusna
to enter da vlezesh
to go out izlizam
to laugh da se smeya
to cry placha
to sell da prodavat
to buy da kupya
to break da se schupi
to repair da popravya
to lend da davam nazaem
to borrow da vzema na zaem
to earn da pechelyat
to lose da zagubish
to slow down da zabavya
to speed up da zabŭrzash
to search da tŭrsite
to find da namerya
to pull da drŭpne
to push butam
to take da vzema
to give da dadesh
to wake up da se sŭbudya
to fall asleep zaspivam
to hold da zadŭrzha
to let go da pusne
to turn on za vklyuchvane
to turn off da izklyucha
to sell da prodavat
to buy da kupya
to send da izpratya
to receive poluchavam

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