Learn Bulgarian Vocabulary: Contrary words
– Useful words you should know –
Want to learn the Bulgarian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Bulgarian with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Bulgarian vocabulary!
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young | mlad |
old | star |
empty | prazen |
full | pŭlen |
vertical | vertikalen |
horizontal | khorizontalna |
useful | polezen |
useless | bezpolezen |
a city | grad |
a village | selo |
a question | vŭpros |
an answer | otgovor |
sad | tŭzhen |
happy | shtastliv |
all | vsichko |
nothing | nishto |
a teacher | uchitel |
a student | student |
early | rano |
late | kŭsen |
open | otvoren |
closed | zatvoren |
first | pŭrvi |
last | posledno |
secure | siguren |
dangerous | opasno |
near | blizo do |
far | dalech |
sugar | zakhar |
salt | sol |
dry | sukha |
wet | mokŭr |
often | chesto |
rarely | ryadko |
always | vinagi |
never | nikoga |
same | edin i sŭsht |
different | razlichno |
dirty | mrŭsen |
clean | chista |
the evening | vecherta |
the morning | sutrinta |
small | malŭk |
large | golyam |
rich | bogat |
poor | bedni |
the ceiling | tavana |
the floor | podŭt |
animal | zhivotno |
human | chovek |
guilty | vinoven |
innocent | nevinen |
here | tuk |
there | tam |
hunger | glad |
the thirst | zhazhdata |
the sun | slŭntseto |
the moon | lunata |
the sister | sestrata |
the brother | bratŭt |
slow | baven |
fast | bŭrz |
before | predi |
after | sled |
heavy | tezhŭk |
light | svetlina |
old | star |
new | nov |
easy | lesno |
difficult | truden |
start | zapochnete |
finish | zavŭrshek |
friend | priyatel |
enemy | vrag |
yesterday | vchera |
tomorrow | utre |
cold | stud |
hot | goresht |
right | tochno |
left | nalyavo |
a woman | zhena |
a man | chovek |
inside | vŭtre |
outside | navŭn |
strong | silen |
weak | slab |
soft | meka |
hard | tvŭrd |
a lot | mnogo |
a little | malko |
up | nagore |
down | nadolu |
exactly | tochno |
probably | veroyatno |
married | zhenen |
single | edinichen |
noisy | shumen |
quiet | tikho |
complicated | slozhno |
simple | prosto |
now | sega |
later | po kŭsno |
long | dŭlgo |
short | kŭs |
interesting | interesno |
boring | skuchno e |
normal | normalno |
strange | stranno |
outside | navŭn |
inside | vŭtre |
the entrance | vkhodŭt |
the exit | izkhoda |
white | byalo |
black | cheren |
expensive | skŭpo |
cheap | evtino |
to walk | da vŭrvish |
to run | da byagam |
to attach | da prikacha |
to detach | da se otdelya |
to go up | da se kacha nagore |
to go down | da slyaza nadolu |
to increase | uvelichavam |
to decrease | da namalyava |
to stop | da spra |
to continue | prodŭlzhavam |
to take off | da izlitam |
to land | da katsne |
to put on | da se oblicha |
to remove | da premakhna |
to move forward | da vŭrvim napred |
to move back | da se dvizhi nazad |
to forget | da zabravya |
to remember | da zapomnya |
to show | da pokazha |
to hide | da se skrie |
to save | da zapazya |
to spend | kharcha |
to build | da se izgradi |
to destroy | da unishtozhi |
to arrive | pristigam |
to leave | da napusna |
to enter | da vlezesh |
to go out | izlizam |
to laugh | da se smeya |
to cry | placha |
to sell | da prodavat |
to buy | da kupya |
to break | da se schupi |
to repair | da popravya |
to lend | da davam nazaem |
to borrow | da vzema na zaem |
to earn | da pechelyat |
to lose | da zagubish |
to slow down | da zabavya |
to speed up | da zabŭrzash |
to search | da tŭrsite |
to find | da namerya |
to pull | da drŭpne |
to push | butam |
to take | da vzema |
to give | da dadesh |
to wake up | da se sŭbudya |
to fall asleep | zaspivam |
to hold | da zadŭrzha |
to let go | da pusne |
to turn on | za vklyuchvane |
to turn off | da izklyucha |
to sell | da prodavat |
to buy | da kupya |
to send | da izpratya |
to receive | poluchavam |
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