100 Most common Nepali verbs list
– Basic & Useful verbs list –
Want to learn the Nepali language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Nepali with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Nepali vocabulary!
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to accept | Svīkāra garnuhōs |
to add | thapnuhōs |
to allow | anumati dinuhōs |
to answer | javāpha |
to arrive | ā’ipugcha |
to ask | sōdhnu |
to be | huna |
to become | bannu |
to believe | viśvāsa |
to break | brēka |
to bring | lyā’unuhōs |
to buy | kinnuhōs |
to call | kala |
to change | parivartana |
to choose | chānnuhōs |
to clean | saphā |
to close | banda |
to come | ā’unuhōs |
to come back | phirtā ā’unuhōs |
to continue | jārī rākhnuhōs |
to cook | pakā’unē |
to count | gaṇanā |
to cry | runu |
to cut | kāṭnu |
to decide | nirṇaya |
to do | garnu |
to drive | ḍrā’ibha |
to eat | khānu |
to enter | praviṣṭa garnuhōs |
to exist | avasthita cha |
to explain | vyākhyā garnuhōs |
to fall | patana |
to fall asleep | sutnu |
to find | phēlā pārnuhōs |
to finish | samāpta |
to fly | uḍnu |
to follow | pachyā’una |
to forget | birsanu |
to get off | bāhira jānuhōs |
to get out | bāhira jā’ū |
to give | dinu |
to go | jānuhōs |
to have | cha |
to hear | sunnuhōs |
to help | maddata |
to hold | hōlḍa garnuhōs |
to keep | rākhna |
to know | jānnuhuncha |
to laugh | hām̐sna |
to learn | siknuhōs |
to leave | chōḍa |
to listen | sunnuhōs |
to live | lā’ibha |
to look like | jastō dēkhincha |
to look | hēra |
to lose | harā’unu |
to love | māyā |
to make | banā’una |
to meet | bhēṭna |
to need | āvaśyakatā |
to open | khōlnuhōs |
to pay | bhuktāna |
to play | khēlnu |
to prepare | tayārī |
to prevent | rōkathāma |
to put | rākhnu |
to read | paḍhnuhōs |
to recall | samjhanā |
to receive | prāpta garnuhōs |
to recognize | pahicāna |
to refuse | asvīkāra |
to remember | samjhanu |
to repeat | dōhōryā’unuhōs |
to rest | viśrāma |
to return | pharkinu |
to run | dauḍanu |
to say | bhannuhōs |
to search | khōja |
to see | hērnuhōs |
to sell | bēcnuhōs |
to send | paṭhā’unuhōs |
to shoot | gōlī māra |
to show | dēkhā’unu |
to sing | gā’unuhōs |
to sit down | basa |
to sleep | sutnu |
to start | suru |
to stay | rahanu |
to stop | rōka |
to succeed | saphala |
to switch off | banda garnuhōs |
to take | linuhōs |
to talk | kurā |
to taste | svāda |
to think | sōcnuhōs |
to throw | phālnu |
to touch | sparśa |
to try | prayāsa garnuhōs |
to turn | ghumā’unuhōs |
to turn on | khōlnuhōs |
to understand | bujhnuhōs |
to use | prayōga garnuhōs |
to wait | parkhanuhōs |
to wake up | uṭhnuhōs |
to walk | hiḍnu |
to want | cāhancha |
to wash up | dhunuhōs |
to wear | lagā’unu |
to win | jīta |
to work | kāma |
to write | lēkhnuhōs |
➡️ More Nepali vocabulary lists:
- Greetings
- Basic words to learn
- Useful adverbs
- Useful adjectives
- Family and friends
- The city and public places
- The human body, head and face
- Contrary words
- Travel and tourism
- The calendar (days, months, seasons)
- Colors and shapes
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