french vocabulary

The 100 Most Common French Verbs You Should Know

The 100 Most Common French Verbs you should know

– Complete French vocabulary list –

Want to learn the French language? Here’s a complete French vocabulary list about the most common verbs you should learn. Increase your French vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!





accepter to accept
acheter to buy
aider to help
aimer to like, to love
ajouter to add
aller to go
allumer to turn on
appeler to call, to contact
apporter to Bring, to take
apprendre to learn, to teach, to hear of
arrêter to stop
arriver to arrive, to happen
attendre to wait for, to expect
avoir to have
avoir besoin to require
casser to break
changer to change, to alter
chanter to sing
chercher to search, to look for, to seek
choisir to choose, to select
commencer to begin, to start
comprendre to understand, to include
compter to count
conduire to drive
connaître To know, to get to know
continuer to continue
couper to cut
courir to run
croire to believe (in)
décider to decide
demander to ask for
descendre to go down
devenir to become, to turn into
devoir to must, to have to, to owe
dire to say, to tell
donner to give
dormir to sleep
écouter to listen to
écrire to write
empêcher to prevent, to stop
entendre to hear
entrer to enter, to go into
envoyer to send
essayer to try, to attempt
éteindre to turn off
être to be
exister to exist
expliquer to explain
faire to do, to make
faire la cuisine to cook
fermer to close
finir, terminer to finish, finish
gagner to win, to gain, to earn
garder to keep
goûter to taste
jeter to throw
jouer to play, to gamble, to act
laisser to leave, to let, to allow
laver, nettoyer to clean (up)
lire to read
manger to eat
marcher to walk
mettre to put, to place
montrer to show, to display
oublier to forget
ouvrir to open (up)
parler to speak, to talk
partir to leave, to depart
payer to pay
penser to think
perdre to lose, to waste
permettre to allow, to permit, to enable
pleurer to cry
porter to wear, to carry
poser to put down, to lay something down
pouvoir to be able (can)
prendre to take, to catch
préparer to prepare something, to make
rappeler to call back, to remind
recevoir to receive
reconnaître to recognize, to acknowledge
refuser to refuse
regarder, voir to watch, see
rencontrer to meet, to encounter
rendre to return something, to give back
rentrer (à la maison) to go home
répéter to repeat
répondre to answer, to reply
ressembler to look like
rester to stay, to remain
retourner to return, to come back
retrouver to find, to meet up, to regain
réussir to succeed
revenir to come back, to return
rire to laugh
s’asseoir to take a seat
s’endormir to fall asleep
savoir to know
se laver to Wash oneself
se reposer to take a rest
se réveiller to awake
se souvenir, se rappeler to remember, remember
sortir to get out, to leave, to exit, to come out
suivre to follow, to pay attention
tenir to hold, to keep
tirer to pull, to draw (curtains…), to fire a gun
tomber to fall
toucher to touch, to feel
tourner to turn
travailler to work
trouver to find, to discover
utiliser to use, to employ
vendre to sell
venir to come
vivre to live
voir to see
voler to fly
vouloir to want, to wish

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french vocabulary

List of adverbs in french pdf

Common French adverbs list


Want to learn the French language?  Here’s a complete list of the most common and useful adverbs in French with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your French vocabulary!





a lot beaucoup
abnormally anormalement
about environ
absolutely absolument
accidentally accidentellement
after, afterwards après
again encore
almost, nearly presque
always toujours
anytime n’importe quand 
anywhere n’importe où
apparently, seemingly apparemment
approximately approximativement
automatically automatiquement
blindly aveuglement
briefly brièvement
busily activement
calmly calmement
carefully prudemment
certainly certainement
clearly clairement
closely attentivement
comfortably confortablement
completely complètement
constantly constamment, sans cesse
correctly, properly correctement
courageously, bravely courageusement
curiously curieusement
currently actuellement
daintily délicatement
deliberately délibérément
differently, otherwise autrement
easily facilement
elsewhere ailleurs
enough assez
eventually finalement
everywhere, all over partout
exactly exactement
exceptionally exceptionnellement
extremely extrêmement
firstly premièrement
fluently couramment
foolishly bêtement
for a long time longtemps
fortunately heureusement
frankly franchement
freely librement
from now on désormais
greatly considérablement
heavily, strongly fortement
hopelessly, desperately désespérément
immediately tout de suite
in the old days, in the past autrefois
lightly; slightly légèrement
loudly, noisily bruyamment
more and more de plus en plus
mysteriously mystérieusement
naturally naturellement
neatly proprement
never jamais
next, then ensuite
normally normalement
now maintenant
nowhere nulle part
obviously évidemment
oddly bizarrement
often souvent
on purpose exprès
only seulement
patiently patiemment
perfectly parfaitement
perhaps peut-être
probably probablement
quietly tranquillement
randomly au hasard
rapidly, swiftly, quickly rapidement
rarely, seldom rarement
really, truly vraiment
recently, lately dernièrement
repeatedly à plusieurs reprises
scarcely à peine
separately séparément
seriously sérieusement
silently silencieusement
simply simplement
slowly lentement
softly, gently, quietly doucement
sometimes Parfois, quelquefois, de temps à autre, de temps en temps
somewhere quelque part
soon bientôt
standing debout
straight away, immediately, instantly immédiatement
strictly strictement
suddenly soudainement, brusquement
surprisingly étonnamment
together ensemble
too ; also ; as well aussi
truthfully, honestly honnêtement
unfortunately, sadly malheureusement
unnecessarily inutilement
upside-down à l’envers
usually d’habitude
very très
very much, enormously énormément
well bien
with difficulty difficilement
wrongly à tort

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french vocabulary

Most common french adjectives (N to Z)

Most common adjectives in French (N to Z)


A complete list of the most useful adjectives in French with their translation in English. Ideal to help you develop your vocabulary!





naturel natural
nécessaire necessary
négligeable negligible
nerveux nervous
nombreux numerous
nostalgique nostalgic
nouveau new
nul void
occupé occupied
officiel official
optimiste optimist
ordinaire Ordinary
original original
ouvert open
paresseux lazy
parfait perfect
passable passable
passionnant exciting
passionné passionate
patient patient
pauvre poor
pénible tedious
persévérant persevering
pertinent relevant
pessimiste pessimist
petit little
peu little
peureux, peureuse shy
phénoménal phenomenal
pire worst
plaisant nice
plein full
politique policy
pollué polluted
ponctuel, à l’heure punctual, on time
populaire popular
positif positive
possible possible
pourri rotten
pratique practice
précieux valuable
précis precise
premier first
près by
prétentieux, prétentieuse pretentious
privé private
prochain next
proche close
prodigieux prodigious
profond deep
propre own
prudent cautious
public public
puissant powerful
rapide quick
rare rare
ravi delighted
réaliste realistic
récent recent
recyclé recycled
religieux religious
remarquable remarkable
rempli filled
responsable responsible
riche rich
romantique romantic
sale dirty
salé salty
satisfaisant satisfactory
satisfait satisfied
sauvage wild
sec sec
secret secret
séduisant attractive
sérieux, sérieuse serious
silencieux silencer
similaire similar
simple simple
sincère sincere
sociable sociable
solide solid
solitaire lonely
sombre dark
souriant smiling
spacieux spacious
spécial special
spécifique specific
splendide splendid
sportif, sportive sporting, sporty
stupide stupid
super super
superbe, magnifique superb, magnificent
superficiel superficial
superstitieux superstitious
supplémentaire additional
supportable supportable
surpeuplé overcrowded
surpris surprised
sympathique nice
talentueux talented
temporaire temporary
terrible terrible
têtu stubborn
timide shy
tolérable tolerable
tolérant tolerant
total total
toxique toxic
traditionnel traditional
travailleur worker
triangulaire triangular
triste sad
troublant troubling
typique typical
unique unique
usé used
vantard bragger
vaste extensive
vide void
vieux, ancien old
visqueux viscous
vivant alive
volumineux extensive
vrai real
vulgaire vulgar
vulnérable vulnerable

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french vocabulary

All french adjectives list (A to M)

Common adjectives in French (A to M)


A complete list of the most useful adjectives in French with their translation in English. Ideal to help you develop your vocabulary!




accueillant welcoming
admirable admirable
agacé annoyed
âgé (e) elderly
agréable pleasant
aimable kind
amer bitter
amical friendly
amusant fun
ancien former
approximatif approximate
attentif attentive
automatique automatic
banal banal
bas bottom
beau, bel, belle beautiful
beaucoup a lot
bête stupid
bien good, well
bizarre, étrange weird, strange
blessé wounded
bon good
bon marché inexpensive
bonne santé soundness
bouché corked
bronzé tanned
brusque abrupt
bruyant noisy
calme calm
capable capable
captivant captivating
caractériel character
carré square
cassé broken
catastrophique catastrophic
célèbre famous
chaleureux, amical warm, friendly
chanceux lucky
charmant charming
chaud hot
cher expensive
clair clear
classique classic
collant tights
coloré colored
comestible edible
commercial commercial
commun common
compact compact
compatissant compassionate
complet complete
complexe complex
confiant trusting
confortable, agréable comfortable, pleasant
content content
convaincant convincing
convenable decent
convivial user-friendly
correct, bon correct, good
coupable guilty
courageux brave
court short
crédible credible
croyant believer
culturel cultural
curieux curious
dangereux dangerous
dégoûtant disgusting
dégoûté disgusted
délectable delectable
délicieux delicious
démocratique democratic
déprimé depressed
dernier latest
désagréable unpleasant
déterminé determined
différent different
difficile difficult
disparu missing
divers miscellaneous
doué gifted
doux sweet
drôle funny
dur hard
dynamique dynamic
éblouissant dazzling
écologique ecological
économique economic
efficace effective
effrayant creepy
égoïste selfish
électrique electrical
électronique electronics
élégant elegant
éloigné remote
émouvant moving
encombrant cumbersome
énergique energetic
énervé angry
ennuyant boring
ennuyé bored
énorme huge
ensemble together
enthousiaste enthusiastic
entier whole
épais thick
épicé spicy
épouvantable dreadful
équivalent equivalent
étonné astonished
étrange, bizarre weird, strange
étroit narrow
évident obvious
exact exact
exaltant exhilarating
exaspéré exasperated
excellent excellent
exceptionnel exceptional
excité excited
excusable excusable
exemplaire exemplary
extra moelleux extra soft
facile easy
faible low
fatigant tiresome
fatigué tired
faux fake
fermé closed
fiable reliable
formidable great
fort strong
fou, fol, folle crazy
fragile fragile
frais fees
fréquent frequent
froid cold
furieux furious
généreux generous
gentil nice
gigantesque gigantic
grand great
gros, grosse big
haut top
heureux happy
historique history
honnête honest
horrible horrible
humide, mouillé wet
idéal ideal
identique identical
idiot idiot
illégal illegal
illimité unlimited
immédiat immediate
immense huge
immobile stationary
impliqué involved
important important
impossible impossible
impressionnant impressive
imprévisible unpredictable
incapable incapable
inconnu unknown
incroyable amazing
indépendant independent
injuste unjust
innocent innocent
inquiet worried
insignifiant insignificant
insuffisant insufficient
insupportable unbearable
intelligent intelligent
intenable untenable
interdit prohibited
intéressant interesting
international international
inventif, inventive inventive
irrésistible irresistible
jaloux jealous
jeune young
joueur player
lâche coward
large broad
légal legal
léger light
lent slow
local local
loin far
long long
louable commendable
lourd heavy
magnifique beautiful
malade sick
maladroit awkward
malheureux unfortunate
mauvais bad
méchant bad guy
méfiant wary
merveilleux wonderful
mignon, mignonne cute, cute
minable crummy
mince thin
minuscule, infime tiny
moderne modern
moelleux soft, mellow
mondial worldwide
mort death
mortel lethal
motivé motivated
mouillé wet
moyen, moyenne average
muet mute
mûr, mature ripe, mature
mystérieux mysterious

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