indonesian vocabulary

The Most Common Adjectives in Indonesian

100 Most common Indonesian adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Indonesian language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Indonesian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Indonesian vocabulary!

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a lot banyak
accurate tepat
bad buruk
beautiful cantik
big besar
boring membosankan
brave berani
broken rusak
clumsy ceroboh
cold dingin
colorful penuh warna
comfortable nyaman
complicated rumit
crazy gila
curious penasaran
cute imut
dangerous berbahaya
dark gelap
dead mati
deep dalam
delicious lezat
different berbeda
dirty kotor
disgusting menjijikkan
dry kering
easy mudah
edible bisa dimakan
effective efektif
elegant anggun
empty kosong
excellent bagus sekali
excited bergairah
exciting seru
famous terkenal
far jauh
fast cepat
first pertama
forbidden terlarang
friendly ramah
full penuh
fun seru
funny lucu
good bagus
great bagus
heavy berat
high tinggi
honest jujur
huge sangat besar
immediate segera
important penting
impossible mustahil
incredible menakjubkan
innocent polos
intelligent cerdas
interesting menarik
international internasional
jealous cemburu
lazy malas
legal hukum
long panjang
many banyak
mysterious gaib
narrow sempit
necessary diperlukan
new baru
nice baik
noisy berisik
official resmi
old tua
open membuka
ordinary biasa
passionate penuh semangat
patient pasien
perfect sempurna
polluted tercemar
poor miskin
popular populer
possible mungkin
powerful kuat
precious berharga
quiet diam
rare langka
rich kaya
romantic romantis
rotten busuk
sad sedih
scary menakutkan
set mengatur
short pendek
shy malu
sick sakit
silent diam
similar serupa
simple sederhana
slow lambat
small kecil
solid padat
special spesial
strange aneh
strong kuat
stubborn keras kepala
sympathetic simpatik
tedious membosankan
thick tebal
thin tipis
tiny kecil
tired lelah
traditional tradisional
unique unik
warm hangat
weak lemah
weird aneh
wet basah
worst terburuk
young muda

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