japanese vocabulary

The human body – Japanese vocabulary list

Japanese Vocabulary List : The human body

– Essential Words for Beginners –

Here’s a complete Japanese vocabulary list about the human body. Increase your Japanese vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!

an armpit wakinoshita 脇の下
the forearm zenwan 前腕
the shoulder kata
the elbow hiji
the wrist tekubi 手首
a biceps jōwan ni tōsuji 上腕二頭筋
an arm ude
a fist kobushi
a triceps san tōsuji 三頭筋
a hand te
a thumb oyayubi 親指
fingers yubi
knuckles nakkuru ナックル
the middle finger nakayubi 中指
the ring finger kusuriyubi 薬指
the index finger / forefinger hitosashiyubi / hitosashiyubi 人差し指/人差し指
the little finger / pinkie  koyubi / koyubi 小指/小指
a nail / a fingernail  tsume / yubi no tsume 爪/指の爪
the palm tenohira 手のひら
the abdomen / the belly / the stomach fukubu / fukubu / i 腹部/腹部/胃
the shoulder blade kata kōkotsu 肩甲骨
the backbone bakkubōn バックボーン
the chest mune
the waist koshi
the back senaka 背中
the navel / bellybutton o heso / heso おへそ/へそ
ribs ribu リブ
breasts chibusa 乳房
nipples chikubi 乳首
the ankle ashikubi 足首
behind, butt ushiro , o shiri 後ろ、お尻
buttocks denbu 臀部
the big toe oyayubi 親指
the calf / calves fukura hagi / fukura hagi ふくらはぎ/ふくらはぎ
a foot / feet ashi / fīto 足/フィート
the heel kakato かかと
the hip hippu ヒップ
a knee hiza
a leg ashi
the sole sōru ソール
the thigh futomomo 太もも
a toe tsumasaki つま先
a toenail ashi no tsume 足の爪
Achilles tendon akiresuken アキレス腱
cartilage nankotsu 軟骨
large intestine daichō 大腸
small intestine shōchō 小腸
the aorta daidōmyaku 大動脈
the appendix furoku 付録
the stomach i
the small intestine shōchō 小腸
the oesophagus shokudō 食道
the urethra nyōdō 尿道
the womb / uterus shikyū / shikyū 子宮/子宮
the prostate zenritsusen 前立腺
the spleen hizō 脾臓
the thyroid gland kōjōsen 甲状腺
the trachea, the windpipe kikan , kikan 気管、気管
the jugular vein  jōmyaku 頸静脈
the pulmonary vein hai jōmyaku 肺静脈
the gall bladder / gallbladder tannō / tannō 胆嚢/胆嚢
the bladder bōkō 膀胱
the brain
the heart shinzō 心臓
the colon koron コロン
the diaphragm daiyafuramu ダイヤフラム
the liver kanzō 肝臓
the larynx kōtō 喉頭
the pancreas suizō 膵臓
the penis penisu ペニス
the sternum/ breast bone kyōkotsu / kyōkotsu 胸骨/胸骨
the vagina chitsu
the tonsils hentōsen 扁桃腺
the bronchus / bronchial tubes kikanshi / kikanshi 気管支/気管支
the ribs rokkotsu 肋骨
bowels, intestines chō , chō 腸、腸
genitals seiki 性器
the lungs hai
kidneys jinzō 腎臓
ligament jintai 靱帯
rectum chokuchō 直腸
an organ zōki 臓器
a tendon ken
a blood vessel kekkan 血管
an artery dōmyaku 動脈
a vein jōmyaku 静脈
a bone hone
the breast bone kyōkotsu 胸骨
the carpus te ne 手根
the collarbone / clavicle sakotsu / sakotsu 鎖骨/鎖骨
the femur daitaibone 大腿骨
the fibula hikotsu 腓骨
thigh bone / femur daitaibone / daitaibone 大腿骨/大腿骨
humerus jōwanbone 上腕骨
the ilium iriumu イリウム
the kneecap shitsugaikotsu 膝蓋骨
the marrow kotsuzui 骨髄
the metacarpals nakatebone 中手骨
the metatarsals chū ashibone 中足骨
the patella shitsugaikotsu 膝蓋骨
the pelvis kotsuban 骨盤
the phalanx / phalanxes  farankusu / farankusu ファランクス/ファランクス
the radius hankei 半径
a rib rokkotsu 肋骨
the rib cage kyōkaku 胸郭
the sacrum senkotsu 仙骨
the shoulder blade kata kōkotsu 肩甲骨
the skeleton sukeruton スケルトン
the skull zugaikotsu 頭蓋骨
the spine / backbone sekitsui / bakkubōn 脊椎/バックボーン
the tarsus ashi ne 足根
the tibia keikotsu 脛骨
the ulnar bone shakubone 尺骨
a vertebra / vertebrae sekitsui / sekitsui 脊椎/脊椎
tears namida
mucus neneki 粘液
blood ketsueki 血液
semen seieki 精液
vomit ōto 嘔吐
urine nyō 尿
the bile tanjū 胆汁
the flesh niku
the fat shibō 脂肪
the skin hifu 皮膚
saliva / spit daeki / tsuba 唾液/唾
the sweat / the perspiration ase / ase 汗/汗
the pulse myaku
the digestive system shōkakikei 消化器系
the nervous system shinkeikei 神経系
the limbs teashi 手足
a muscle kinniku 筋肉
a nerve shinkei 神経
a joint kansetsu 関節
a gland sen

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