japanese vocabulary

Japanese Vocabulary List : Geography and landscape

Japanese Vocabulary List : Geography and landscape

– Essential Words for Beginners –

Here’s a complete Japanese vocabulary list about geography and landscape. Increase your Japanese vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!

altitude kōdo 高度
the estuary kakō 河口.
the coast kaigan 海岸
the rainforest nettai urin 熱帯雨林
Geography chiri 地理
the jungle janguru ジャングル
the sea umi
nature shizen 自然
the plain heigen 平原
pollution kōgai 公害
drought kassui 渇水
the valley tani
the climate kikō 気候
the continent tairiku 大陸
the fjord fiyorudo フィヨルド
the coastline kaigansen 海岸線
the landscape fūkei 風景
the top of the mountain yama no chōjō 山の頂上
the volcano kazan 火山
tropical nettai no 熱帯の
an archipelago rettō 列島
an atoll kanshō 環礁
a stone ishi
a channel suiro 水路.
a canyon kyōkoku 峡谷
a course kōsu コース
a river kawa
a crater kakō 火口
a delta sankakusu 三角州
a desert sabaku 砂漠
an escarpment gake
a pond ike
a ditch mizo
a geyser kanketsusen 間欠泉
a glacier hyōga 氷河
a landslide jisuberi 地滑り
a golf gorufu ゴルフ
an abyss naraku 奈落
an iceberg hyōzan . 氷山.
a lake mizūmi . 湖.
a lagoon ragūn ラグーン
a swamp numachi 沼地
a swamp numachi 沼地
an ocean umi
a national park kokuritsu kōen 国立公園
a country kuni
a tray bon
a precipice zeppeki 絶壁
a ravine kyōkoku 峡谷
a rock iwa
a stream kawa
an earthquake jishin 地震
an embankment teibō 堤防
an avalanche nadare 雪崩
a coral reef sangoshō 珊瑚礁
a map chizu 地図
a natural disaster shizen saigai 自然災害
a waterfall taki
a hill oka
a creek ogawa 小川
a flood kōzui 洪水
a dam damu . ダム.
a dune sakyū 砂丘
a volcanic eruption kazan funka 火山噴火
a cliff gake
a crack hibi ひび
a forest mori
a boundary kyōkai 境界
a throat nodo のど
a cave dōkutsu 洞窟
an island shima
a mountain yama
an oasis oashisu オアシス
a beach hamabe 浜辺
a meadow kusachi . 草地.
a peninsula hantō 半島
a hot spring onsen 温泉
a stalactite shōnyūseki 鍾乳石

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