100 Most common Bulgarian adjectives list
– Basic & Useful adjectives list –
Want to learn the Bulgarian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Bulgarian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Bulgarian vocabulary!
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a lot | mnogo |
accurate | tochen |
bad | losho |
beautiful | krasiv |
big | golyam |
boring | skuchno e |
brave | smel |
broken | schupen |
clumsy | tromav |
cold | stud |
colorful | tsveten |
comfortable | udobno |
complicated | slozhno |
crazy | lud |
curious | lyubopiten |
cute | sladko |
dangerous | opasno |
dark | tŭmno |
dead | mŭrtŭv |
deep | Dŭlbok |
delicious | mnogo vkusen |
different | razlichno |
dirty | mrŭsen |
disgusting | otvratitelno |
dry | sukha |
easy | lesno |
edible | godni za konsumatsiya |
effective | efektiven |
elegant | eleganten |
empty | prazen |
excellent | otlichno |
excited | razvŭlnuvan |
exciting | vŭlnuvashto |
famous | izvesten |
far | dalech |
fast | bŭrz |
first | pŭrvi |
forbidden | zabranen |
friendly | priyatelski nastroen |
full | pŭlen |
fun | zabavlenie |
funny | zabaven |
good | dobre |
great | strakhoten |
heavy | tezhŭk |
high | Visoko |
honest | chesten |
huge | ogromen |
immediate | nezabavno |
important | vazhno |
impossible | nevŭzmozhen |
incredible | neveroyaten |
innocent | nevinen |
intelligent | inteligenten |
interesting | interesno |
international | mezhdunarodni |
jealous | revniv |
lazy | mŭrzeliv |
legal | praven |
long | dŭlgo |
many | mnogo |
mysterious | misteriozen |
narrow | tesni |
necessary | neobkhodimo |
new | nov |
nice | khubavo |
noisy | shumen |
official | ofitsialen |
old | star |
open | otvoren |
ordinary | obiknoveni |
passionate | strasten |
patient | tŭrpeliv |
perfect | perfekten |
polluted | zamŭrseni |
poor | bedni |
popular | populyaren |
possible | vŭzmozhen |
powerful | moshten |
precious | skŭpotsenen |
quiet | tikho |
rare | redki |
rich | bogat |
romantic | romantichen |
rotten | gnilo |
sad | tŭzhen |
scary | strashen |
set | komplekt |
short | kŭs |
shy | sramezhliv |
sick | bolen |
silent | bezshumen |
similar | podoben |
simple | prosto |
slow | baven |
small | malŭk |
solid | tvŭrdo |
special | spetsialen |
strange | stranno |
strong | silen |
stubborn | inat |
sympathetic | simpatichen |
tedious | dosaden |
thick | debel |
thin | tŭnŭk |
tiny | mŭnichŭk |
tired | umoren |
traditional | traditsionen |
unique | edinstven po roda si |
warm | toplo |
weak | slab |
weird | stranno |
wet | mokŭr |
worst | naĭ-loshoto |
young | mlad |
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