
Swedish Vocabulary (PDF): The human body, head and face

Swedish Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Swedish language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Swedish with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Swedish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the head huvudet
the face ansiktet
the mouth munnen
the throat halsen
the cheek kinden
the tongue tungan
the lips lรคpparna
the jaw kรคken
the neck nacken
the forehead pannan
the chin hakan
the nose nรคsan
the hair hรฅret
the eyes รถgonen
a tooth en tand
the hair hรฅret
an ear ett รถra
a mustache en mustasch
a beard ett skรคgg
the skin huden
the shoulder axeln
the forearm underarmen
the wrist handleden
an arm en arm
the arms armarna
the elbow armbรฅgen
a hand en hand
a thumb en tumme
the fingers fingrarna
the belly magen
the chest brรถstet
the back baksidan
the breasts brรถsten
the buttocks skinkorna
the foot foten
the heel hรคlen
the knee knรคet
the leg benet
the thigh lรฅret
a toe en tรฅ
the stomach magen
the brain hjรคrnan
the lungs lungorna
the skeleton skelettet
a bone ett ben
the skull skallen
a muscle en muskel

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Useful Swedish Words – Contrary Words

Learn Swedish Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Swedish language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Swedish with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Swedish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young ung
old gammal
empty tรถmma
full full
vertical vertikal
horizontal horisontell
useful anvรคndbar
useless onyttig
a city en stad
a village en by
a question en frรฅga
an answer ett svar
sad ledsen
happy lycklig
all allt
nothing ingenting
a teacher en lรคrare
a student en student
early tidigt
late sent
open รถppna
closed stรคngd
first fรถrst
last sista
secure sรคkra
dangerous farlig
near nรคra
far lรฅngt
sugar socker
salt salt-
dry torr
wet vรฅt
often ofta
rarely sรคllan
always alltid
never aldrig
same samma
different annorlunda
dirty smutsig
clean rena
the evening kvรคllen
the morning morgonen
small smรฅ
large stor
rich rik
poor fattig
the ceiling taket
the floor golvet
animal djur-
human mรคnsklig
guilty skyldig
innocent oskyldig
here hรคr
there dรคr
hunger hunger
the thirst tรถrsten
the sun solen
the moon mรฅnen
the sister systern
the brother brodern
slow lรฅngsam
fast snabb
before innan
after efter
heavy tung
light ljus
old gammal
new ny
easy lรคtt
difficult svรฅr
start start
finish avsluta
friend vรคn
enemy fiende
yesterday i gรฅr
tomorrow i morgon
cold kall
hot varm
right hรถger
left vรคnster
a woman en kvinna
a man en man
inside inuti
outside utanfรถr
strong stark
weak svag
soft mjuk
hard hรฅrd
a lot mycket
a little lite
up upp
down ner
exactly exakt
probably fรถrmodligen
married gift
single enda
noisy hรถgljudd
quiet tyst
complicated komplicerad
simple enkel
now nu
later senare
long lรฅng
short kort
interesting intressant
boring trรฅkig
normal vanligt
strange konstig
outside utanfรถr
inside inuti
the entrance ingรฅngen
the exit utgรฅngen
white vit
black svart
expensive dyr
cheap billig
to walk att gรฅ
to run att springa
to attach att sรคtta fast
to detach att lossa
to go up att gรฅ upp
to go down att gรฅ ner
to increase att รถka
to decrease att minska
to stop att stanna
to continue att fortsรคtta
to take off att ta av
to land att landa
to put on att sรคtta pรฅ
to remove att ta bort
to move forward att gรฅ vidare
to move back att flytta tillbaka
to forget att glรถmma
to remember att komma ihรฅg
to show att visa
to hide att gรถmma
to save att spara
to spend att spendera
to build att bygga
to destroy att fรถrstรถra
to arrive att anlรคnda
to leave att lรคmna
to enter att gรฅ in
to go out att gรฅ ut
to laugh att skratta
to cry att grรฅta
to sell att sรคlja
to buy att kรถpa
to break att bryta
to repair reparera
to lend att lรฅna
to borrow att lรฅna
to earn att tjรคna
to lose att fรถrlora
to slow down att sakta ner
to speed up att snabba pรฅ
to search att sรถka
to find att hitta
to pull att dra
to push att trycka
to take att ta
to give att ge
to wake up att vakna upp
to fall asleep att somna
to hold att hรฅlla
to let go att slรคppa taget
to turn on att slรฅ pรฅ
to turn off att stรคnga av
to sell att sรคlja
to buy att kรถpa
to send att skicka
to receive att motta

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Learn Swedish Vocabulary โ€ข Travel and tourism

Swedish Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Swedish language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Swedish with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Swedish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

travel resa
tourism turism
a hotel ett hotell
on time i tid
late sen
the airport flygplatsen
landing landning
take-off avstamp
the air conditioning luftkonditioneringen
the distance avstรฅndet
the customs tullen
the border grรคnsen
the train station tรฅgstationen
the bus station busstationen
a ticket en biljett
the reception receptionen
the reservation bokningen
the road vรคgen
a highway en motorvรคg
the plane planet
by plane med flyg
the bus bussen
the taxi taxin
the train tรฅget
the car bilen
a helicopter en helikopter
the sign skylten
the parking lot parkeringen
the passport passet
the seat sรคtet
the toilet toaletten
the sunglasses solglasรถgonen
a key en nyckel
a camera en kamera
one way ticket enkelbiljett
a return ticket en returbiljett
a ticket office ett biljettkontor
an accommodation ett boende
a pillow en kudde
a blanket en filt
a sleeping bag en sovsรคck
a luggage ett bagage
a bag en vรคska
a backpack en ryggsรคck
an information en information
a tourist en turist
a vaccine ett vaccin
an insurance en fรถrsรคkring
a postcard ett vykort
an itinerary en resvรคg
a destination en destination
a flashlight en ficklampa
an electrical outlet ett eluttag
a tent ett tรคlt
a suitcase en resvรคska
to visit att besรถka
to travel att resa
to rent att hyra
to leave att lรคmna
to cancel att avbryta
to cancel a reservation sรฅ hรคr avbokar du en bokning
to photograph att fotografera
the wind vinden
the snow snรถn
the rain regnet
the storm stormen
the sun solen
the sea havet
a mountain ett berg
a lake en sjรถ
a national park en nationalpark
a country ett land
a forest en skog
a cave en grotta
an island en รถ
a beach en strand
the nature naturen
the landscape landskapet
sun cream solkrรคm
a towel en handduk

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Essential Swedish Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

Swedish Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Swedish language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Swedish with their translation in English, on the topic of the calendar (days, months, seasons). Ideal to help you boost your Swedish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Monday Mรฅndag
Tuesday Tisdag
Wednesday Onsdag
Thursday Torsdag
Friday Fredag
Saturday Lรถrdag
Sunday Sรถndag
January Januari
February Februari
March Mars
April April
May Maj
June Juni
July Juli
August Augusti
September September
October Oktober
November November
December December
Spring Vรฅr
Summer Sommar
Autumn Hรถst
Winter Vinter
WHEN ? Nร„R?
before fรถre
after efter
soon snart
this month den hรคr mรฅnaden
this year i รฅr
this week den hรคr veckan
from time to time dรฅ och dรฅ
already redan
today i dag
tomorrow imorgon
yesterday igรฅr
last night i gรฅr kvรคll
the day before yesterday i fรถrrgรฅr
a long time ago fรถr lรคnge sedan
a week ago fรถr en vecka sedan
never aldrig
next year nรคsta รฅr
next time nรคsta gรฅng
next week nรคsta vecka
next month nรคsta mรฅnad
last year fjor
last month fรถrra mรฅnaden
last week fรถrra veckan
in the morning pรฅ morgonen
in the afternoon pรฅ eftermiddagen
in the evening pรฅ kvรคllen
the day dagen
now nu
later senare
immediately genast
sometimes ibland
rarely sรคllan
recently nyligen
frequently ofta
often ofta
very often mycket ofta
slowly lรฅngsamt
quickly snabbt
late sen
early tidig
always alltid
every day varje dag
right away pรฅ en gรฅng
all the time hela tiden
all day long hela dagen
a holiday en semester
a month en mรฅnad
a year per รฅr
an hour en timme
a minute en minut
a week i veckan

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Swedish Vocabulary List โ€ข Colors and shapes

Swedish Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Swedish language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Swedish with their translation in English, on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Swedish vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a color en fรคrg
white vit
black svart
gray grรฅ
yellow gul
orange apelsin
green grรถn
blue blรฅ
red rรถd
brown brun
beige beige
purple lila
mauve lila
pink rosa
dark mรถrk
golden gyllene
silver silver
a pyramid en pyramid
a square en fyrkant
a circle en cirkel
a triangle en triangel
a rectangle en rektangel
a star en stjรคrna
a line en linje
an arrow en pil
a heart ett hjรคrta
a crescent en halvmรฅne

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Swahili Vocabulary List โ€ข Colors and shapes

Swahili Vocabulary: Colors and shapes

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Swahili language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Swahili with their translation in English, on the topic of colors and shapes. Ideal to help you boost your Swahili vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

a color rangi
white nyeupe
black nyeusi
gray kijivu
yellow njano
orange machungwa
green kijani
blue bluu
red nyekundu
brown kahawia
beige beige
purple zambarau
mauve mauve
pink pink
dark giza
golden dhahabu
silver fedha
a pyramid piramidi
a square mraba
a circle duara
a triangle pembetatu
a rectangle mstatili
a star nyota
a line mstari
an arrow mshale
a heart moyo
a crescent kitovu

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Essential Swahili Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

Swahili Vocabulary: The calendar (days, months, seasons)

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Swahili language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Swahili with their translation in English, on the topic of the calendar (days, months, seasons). Ideal to help you boost your Swahili vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

Monday Jumatatu
Tuesday Jumanne
Wednesday Jumatano
Thursday Alhamisi
Friday Ijumaa
Saturday Jumamosi
Sunday Jumapili
January Januari
February Februari
March Machi
April Aprili
May Mei
June Juni
July Julai
August Agosti
September Septemba
October Oktoba
November Novemba
December Desemba
Spring Spring
Summer Majira
Autumn Vuli
Winter Baridi
before kabla
after baada
soon hivi karibuni
this month mwezi huu
this year mwaka huu
this week wiki hii
from time to time mara kwa mara
already tayari
today leo
tomorrow kesho
yesterday jana
last night jana usiku
the day before yesterday siku moja kabla ya jana
a long time ago muda mrefu uliopita
a week ago wiki moja iliyopita
never kamwe
next year mwaka ujao
next time wakati ujao
next week wiki ijayo
next month mwezi ujao
last year mwaka jana
last month mwezi uliopita
last week wiki jana
in the morning asubuhi
in the afternoon mchana
in the evening jioni
the day siku
now sasa
later baadaye
immediately mara moja
sometimes wakati mwingine
rarely mara chache
recently hivi karibuni
frequently mara nyingi
often mara nyingi
very often mara nyingi sana
slowly polepole
quickly haraka
late marehemu
early mapema
always daima
every day kila siku
right away mara moja
all the time kila wakati
all day long siku nzima ndefu
a holiday sikukuu
a month kwa mwezi
a year mwaka
an hour saa moja
a minute dakika moja
a week wiki

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Learn Swahili Vocabulary โ€ข Travel and tourism

Swahili Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Swahili language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Swahili with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Swahili vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

travel kusafiri
tourism utalii
a hotel hoteli
on time kwa wakati
late marehemu
the airport uwanja wa ndege
landing kutua
take-off kupaa
the air conditioning hali ya hewa
the distance umbali
the customs forodha
the border mpaka
the train station kituo cha treni
the bus station kituo cha mabasi
a ticket tiketi
the reception mapokezi
the reservation kutoridhishwa
the road barabara
a highway barabara kuu
the plane ndege
by plane kwa ndege
the bus basi
the taxi teksi
the train treni
the car gari
a helicopter helikopta
the sign ishara
the parking lot maegesho ya magari
the passport pasipoti
the seat kiti
the toilet choo
the sunglasses miwani ya jua
a key ufunguo
a camera kamera
one way ticket njia moja ya tiketi
a return ticket tiketi ya kurudi
a ticket office ofisi ya tiketi
an accommodation malazi
a pillow mto
a blanket blanketi
a sleeping bag mfuko wa kulala
a luggage mizigo
a bag mfuko
a backpack mkoba
an information taarifa
a tourist mtalii
a vaccine chanjo
an insurance bima
a postcard kadi ya posta
an itinerary itinerary
a destination hatima
a flashlight mwangaza wa mwangaza
an electrical outlet chombo cha umeme
a tent hema
a suitcase sanduku
to visit kutembelea
to travel kusafiri
to rent kukodisha
to leave kuondoka
to cancel kufuta
to cancel a reservation kufuta hifadhi
to photograph kupiga picha
the wind upepo
the snow theluji
the rain mvua
the storm dhoruba
the sun jua
the sea bahari
a mountain mlima
a lake ziwa
a national park hifadhi ya taifa
a country nchi
a forest msitu
a cave pango
an island kisiwa
a beach pwani
the nature asili
the landscape mazingira
sun cream krimu ya jua
a towel taulo

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Useful Swahili Words – Contrary Words

Learn Swahili Vocabulary: Contrary words

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Swahili language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Swahili with their translation in English, on the topic of contrary words. Ideal to help you boost your Swahili vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

young vijana
old mzee
empty tupu
full kamili
vertical wima
horizontal mlalo
useful muhimu
useless haina maana
a city mji
a village kijiji
a question swali
an answer jibu
sad huzuni
happy furaha
all zote
nothing hakuna kitu
a teacher mwalimu
a student mwanafunzi
early mapema
late marehemu
open wazi
closed imefungwa
first kwanza
last mwisho
secure salama
dangerous hatari
near karibu
far mbali
sugar sukari
salt chumvi
dry kavu
wet mvua
often mara nyingi
rarely nadra
always kila mara
never kamwe
same sawa
different tofauti
dirty chafu
clean safi
the evening jioni
the morning asubuhi
small ndogo
large kubwa
rich tajiri
poor maskini
the ceiling dari
the floor sakafu
animal mnyama
human binadamu
guilty hatia
innocent wasio na hatia
here hapa
there hapo
hunger njaa
the thirst kiu
the sun jua
the moon mwezi
the sister yule dada
the brother ndugu
slow polepole
fast haraka
before kabla
after baada ya
heavy nzito
light mwanga
old mzee
new mpya
easy rahisi
difficult magumu
start kuanza
finish kumaliza
friend rafiki
enemy adui
yesterday jana
tomorrow kesho
cold baridi
hot moto
right haki
left kushoto
a woman mwanamke
a man mwanaume
inside ndani
outside nje
strong nguvu
weak dhaifu
soft laini
hard ngumu
a lot mengi
a little kidogo
up juu
down chini
exactly hasa
probably pengine
married ndoa
single single
noisy kelele
quiet kimya
complicated ngumu
simple rahisi
now sasa
later baadae
long ndefu
short mfupi
interesting kuvutia
boring ya kuchosha
normal kawaida
strange ajabu
outside nje
inside ndani
the entrance mlango
the exit kutoka
white nyeupe
black nyeusi
expensive ghali
cheap nafuu
to walk kutembea
to run kukimbia
to attach kuambatanisha
to detach kujitenga
to go up kwenda juu
to go down kwenda chini
to increase kuongeza
to decrease kupungua
to stop kuacha
to continue kuendelea
to take off kuondoka
to land kutua
to put on kuweka kwenye
to remove kuondoa
to move forward kusonga mbele
to move back kurudi nyuma
to forget kusahau
to remember kukumbuka
to show kuonyesha
to hide kuficha
to save kuokoa
to spend kutumia
to build kujenga
to destroy kuharibu
to arrive kufika
to leave kuondoka
to enter kuingia
to go out kwenda nje
to laugh kucheka
to cry kulia
to sell kuuza
to buy kununua
to break kuvunja
to repair kurekebisha
to lend kukopesha
to borrow kuazima
to earn kupata
to lose kupoteza
to slow down kupunguza kasi
to speed up ili kuongeza kasi
to search kutafuta
to find kutafuta
to pull kuvuta
to push kusukuma
to take kuchukua
to give kutoa
to wake up kuamka
to fall asleep kulala usingizi
to hold ku shikilia
to let go kuachilia
to turn on kuwasha
to turn off kuzima
to sell kuuza
to buy kununua
to send kutuma
to receive kupokea

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Swahili Vocabulary (PDF): The human body, head and face

Swahili Vocabulary: The human body, head and face

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Swahili language? Hereโ€™s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Swahili with their translation in English, on the topic of the human body, head and face. Ideal to help you boost your Swahili vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the head kichwa
the face uso
the mouth mdomo
the throat koo
the cheek shavu
the tongue ulimi
the lips midomo
the jaw taya
the neck shingo
the forehead paji la uso
the chin kidevu
the nose pua
the hair nywele
the eyes macho
a tooth jino
the hair nywele
an ear sikio
a mustache harambee
a beard ndevu
the skin ngozi
the shoulder bega
the forearm tarafa ya forearm
the wrist mkono
an arm mkono
the arms silaha
the elbow kiwiko
a hand mkono
a thumb kidole gumba
the fingers vidole
the belly tumbo
the chest kifua
the back mgongo
the breasts matiti
the buttocks makalio
the foot mguu
the heel kisigino
the knee goti
the leg mguu
the thigh paja
a toe kidole
the stomach tumbo
the brain ubongo
the lungs mapafu
the skeleton mifupa
a bone mfupa
the skull fuvu
a muscle misuli

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