Japanese Vocabulary List : Law and Justice
– Essential Words for Beginners –
Here’s a complete Japanese vocabulary list about law & Justice. Increase your Japanese vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list!
accredited | nintei sareta | 認定された |
acquitted | muzai | 無罪 |
clement | kuremento | クレメント |
guilty | yūzai | 有罪 |
damages | songai | 損害 |
defamatory statements | chūshō tekina hatsugen | 中傷的な発言 |
tear gas | sairui gasu | 催涙ガス |
in remand | sashimodoshi chū | 差し戻し中 |
in custody | kōryū sarete | 拘留されて |
on parole | karishakuhō chū | 仮釈放中 |
on bail | hoshaku chū | 保釈中 |
on probation | shiyō kikan chū | 試用期間中 |
obstruction of justice | seigi no bōgai | 正義の妨害 |
illegal | ihō | 違法 |
charged | jūden shita | 充電した |
innocent | tsumi no nai | 罪のない |
legal | hōteki | 法的 |
the agreement, the arrangement | gōi , torikime | 合意、取り決め |
the prosecution | kiso | 起訴 |
the accused | hikokujin | 被告人 |
the acquittal | muzai | 無罪 |
the act | kōi | 行為 |
the death certificate | shibō shōmeisho | 死亡証明書 |
the act of judicial procedure | shihō tetsuzuki no kōi | 司法手続きの行為 |
the unintended act | ito shinai kōi | 意図しない行為 |
the prison administration | keimusho kanri | 刑務所管理 |
the case | kēsu | ケース |
the traffic officer | kōtsū tantōsha | 交通担当者 |
the financial assistance | zaisei enjo | 財政援助 |
legal aid, legal aid, legal assistance | hōteki enjo | 法的援助 |
the adjournment | kyūkai | 休会 |
the breathalyzer | kokyūki | 呼吸器 |
the alibi | aribai | アリバイ |
the claim | seikyū | 請求 |
the fine | bakkin | 罰金 |
the amnesty | onsha | 恩赦 |
the annulment of the judgment | hanketsu no haki | 判決の破棄 |
the appeal | apīru | アピール |
the appellant | kōsojin | 控訴人 |
enforcement of the law | hō no shikkō | 法の執行 |
the arbitration | chūsai | 仲裁 |
the archive, the folder | ākaibu , foruda | アーカイブ、フォルダ |
the arrest | taiho | 逮捕 |
the stop | sutoppu | ストップ |
the assessor | hyōkasha | 評価者 |
legal aid | hōteki enjo | 法的援助 |
the attestation | shōmei | 証明 |
the hearing | kōchōkai | 公聴会 |
the preliminary hearing | yobi shinmon | 予備審問 |
the perpetrator of the offence | hanzai no kagaisha | 犯罪の加害者 |
the autopsy | bōken | 剖検 |
the auxiliary of justice | seigi no joshu | 正義の助手 |
the admission | nyūjō | 入場 |
the lawyer | bengoshi | 弁護士 |
the opposing lawyer | hantai suru bengoshi | 反対する弁護士 |
the duty counsel | gimu bengoshi | 義務弁護士 |
criminal defence counsel | keiji bengojin | 刑事弁護人 |
the senior lawyer | jōkyū bengoshi | 上級弁護士 |
the due date | kijitsu | 期日 |
the investigation/ investigation | chōsa | 調査 |
the miscarriage of justice | seigi no ryūzan | 正義の流産 |
the penitentiary establishment | keimusho | 刑務所 |
the medical examination | kenkō shindan | 健康診断 |
the medical examiner/ the medical examiner | kenshinkan | 検診官 |
the medical expert | iryō senmonka | 医療専門家 |
the statement of defence | bengo | 弁護 |
the expulsion | tsuihō | 追放 |
immunity | meneki | 免疫 |
the compensation | hoshō | 補償 |
the index | indekkusu | インデックス |
the offence | hanzai | 犯罪 |
the badge | bajji | バッジ |
the inspector | kensakan | 検査官 |
the interrogation | jinmon | 尋問 |
the disability | shōgai | 障害 |
the irregularity | fukisoku | 不規則 |
the legal obligation | hōteki gimu | 法的義務 |
the moral obligation | dōtoku teki gimu | 道徳的義務 |
the police officer | keisatsukan | 警察官 |
the undercover operation | fukumen sakusen | 覆面作戦 |
the uniform | yunifōmu | ユニフォーム |
the imprisonment | tōgoku | 投獄 |
the witness stand | shōnin sutando | 証人スタンド |
the right conduct | tadashī kōdō | 正しい行動 |
the good faith | zeni | 善意 |
the brigade | ryodan | 旅団 |
the surety | kakujitsu | 確実 |
the cell | saibō | 細胞 |
the courtroom/courtroom | hōtei | 法廷 |
the leniency | kandai sa | 寛大さ |
the letter rogatory | gōmanna tegami | 傲慢な手紙 |
the appearance | mitame | 見た目 |
the conviction | shinnen | 信念 |
forfeiture of property | zaisan no bosshū | 財産の没収 |
the ticket, the fine | chiketto , bakkin | チケット、罰金 |
the corruption | fuhai | 腐敗 |
the court of appeal | kōso saibansho | 控訴裁判所 |
the court of assizes | asusaizu no saibansho | アスサイズの裁判所 |
the guilt | zaiakukan | 罪悪感 |
the decision of the court | saibansho no kettei | 裁判所の決定 |
the previous declaration | izen no sengen | 以前の宣言 |
the written statement | kakareta seimei | 書かれた声明 |
the defence | bōgyo | 防御 |
the deliberation | shingi | 審議 |
the request for judgment | hanketsu no yōsei | 判決の要請 |
the deposition | taiseki | 堆積 |
the police raid | keisatsu no shūgeki | 警察の襲撃 |
the detention | kōryū | 拘留 |
the directive / instruction | direkutibu / shiji | ディレクティブ/指示 |
the disclosure | kaiji | 開示 |
the force majeure | fukakōryoku | 不可抗力 |
the body search | bodi kensaku | ボディ検索 |
the court | saibansho | 裁判所 |
the jurisprudence | hōgaku | 法学 |
The self-defence | jiko bōei | 自己防衛 |
the law | hōritsu | 法律 |
the baton | baton | バトン |
the examination | shiken | 試験 |
the release | rirīsu | リリース |
the mission | shimei | 使命 |
negligence | kashitsu | 過失 |
the patrol | patorōru | パトロール |
the sentence | bun | 文 |
capital punishment/ death penalty | shikei | 死刑 |
support payments | sapōto shiharai | サポート支払い |
the perpetuity | eikyū | 永久 |
the search | kensaku | 検索 |
the evidence | kakutaru shōko | 確たる証拠 |
the track | torakku | トラック |
the argument | giron | 議論 |
the complaint | kujō | 苦情 |
the police | keisatsu | 警察 |
the scientific police | kagaku keisatsu | 科学警察 |
the prosecution | kiso | 起訴 |
the police prefecture | keisatsu ken | 警察県 |
the premeditation | meisō | 瞑想 |
the presumption of innocence | muzai no suitei | 無罪の推定 |
the evidence | kakutaru shōko | 確たる証拠 |
the evidence to the contrary | hantai no shōko | 反対の証拠 |
the formal evidence | seishikina shōko | 正式な証拠 |
the prison | keimusho | 刑務所 |
the prison for life | shūshinkei | 終身刑 |
the punishment | bachi | 罰 |
recidivism | saihan | 再犯 |
life imprisonment | shūshinkei | 終身刑 |
the reward, the bonus | hōshū , bōnasu | 報酬、ボーナス |
the rule/regulation | rūru / kisei | ルール/規制 |
the reintegration | sai tōgō | 再統合 |
the release | rirīsu | リリース |
the remission of sentence | bun no kankai | 文の寛解 |
the resumption of the hearing | kōchōkai no saikai | 公聴会の再開 |
the house arrest | jitaku nankin | 自宅軟禁 |
the responsibility | sekinin | 責任 |
third party liability | daisansha no sekinin | 第三者の責任 |
criminal liability | keiji sekinin | 刑事責任 |
the courtroom | hōtei | 法廷 |
the mermaid | ningyo | 人魚 |
the police car | patokā | パトカー |
the bench of the accused | hikokujin no benchi | 被告人のベンチ |
the electronic bracelet | denshi buresuretto | 電子ブレスレット |
the firm | jimusho | 事務所 |
the criminal record | hanzaireki | 犯罪歴 |
the bounty hunter | bauntihantā | バウンティハンター |
the charge, the charge | ryōkin | 料金 |
the Commissioner | komisshonā | コミッショナー |
the police station | keisatsusho | 警察署 |
the accomplice | kyōhansha | 共犯者 |
the condemned | hinan sareta | 非難された |
the legal counsel | bengoshi | 弁護士 |
mutual consent | sōhō no gōi | 双方の合意 |
the finding | hakken | 発見 |
the contract | sono keiyaku | その契約 |
the cross-examination | hantai jinmon | 反対尋問 |
the identity check | honnin kakunin | 本人確認 |
the culprit | hannin | 犯人 |
the criminal | hanzaisha | 犯罪者 |
the declarant | sengensha | 宣言者 |
the lack of information | jōhō no ketsujo | 情報の欠如 |
the detective | tantei | 探偵 |
the prisoner, the prisoner | shūjin | 囚人 |
the document | bunsho | 文書 |
the damage, the damage | damēji | ダメージ |
the file | fairu | ファイル |
the right to silence | chinmoku suru kenri | 沈黙する権利 |
the civil law | minpō | 民法 |
the common law | komonrō | コモンロー |
the criminal law | keihō | 刑法 |
the procedural law | tetsuzukihō | 手続き法 |
the Registry Fees | rejisutori ryōkin | レジストリ料金 |
the false testimony | gishō | 偽証 |
the official | kōshiki | 公式 |
the fugitive | tōbōsha | 逃亡者 |
the bodyguard | bodīgādo | ボディーガード |
the keeper | kīpā | キーパー |
the bulletproof vest | bōdanchokki | 防弾チョッキ |
the Registry of the Court | saibansho no tōroku | 裁判所の登録 |
the Registrar | rejisutora | レジストラ |
the beacon | bīkon | ビーコン |
the judge | saibankan | 裁判官 |
the judgment | handan | 判断 |
the final judgment | saishū handan | 最終判断 |
the juror | baishinin | 陪審員 |
the jury | baishin | 陪審 |
the location of the crime | hanzai no basho | 犯罪の場所 |
the magistrate | hanji | 判事 |
the mandate | inin | 委任 |
the arrest warrant | taihojō | 逮捕状 |
search warrant, search warrant | sōsa reijō , sōsaku reijō | 捜査令状、捜索令状 |
the Department of Justice | shihōshō | 司法省 |
the Crown | ōkan | 王冠 |
the pattern | patān | パターン |
the dismissal | kaiko | 解雇 |
the courthouse | saibansho | 裁判所 |
the penitentiary | keimusho | 刑務所 |
the litigant | soshōsha | 訴訟者 |
the complainant, the applicant | mōshitatejin , shinseisha | 申立人、申請者 |
the sketch | sukecchi | スケッチ |
the appeal in cassation | danzetsu no miryoku | 断絶の魅力 |
the chairman the sitting | zachō | 座長 |
the trial | toraiaru | トライアル |
the prosecutor | kensatsukan | 検察官 |
the radar | rēdā | レーダー |
the repeat offender | kurikaeshi hannin | 繰り返し犯人 |
the legal representative | hōtei dairinin | 法定代理人 |
the oath | sensei | 宣誓 |
the suspect | yōgisha | 容疑者 |
the testimony | shōgen | 証言 |
the witness | shōnin | 証人 |
the eyewitness | mokugekisha | 目撃者 |
the key witness | kagi to naru shōnin | 鍵となる証人 |
the DNA test | DNA tesuto | DNAテスト |
the legal title | hōteki taitoru | 法的タイトル |
the court | saibansho | 裁判所 |
the administrative tribunal | gyōsei hōtei | 行政法廷 |
the civil court | minji saibansho | 民事裁判所 |
the correctional court | kyōsei saibansho | 矯正裁判所 |
the federal court | renpō saibansho | 連邦裁判所 |
the military tribunal | gunji hōtei | 軍事法廷 |
the child court | jidō saibansho | 児童裁判所 |
the verdict | hyōketsu | 評決 |
the procedural defect | tetsuzuki jō no kekkan | 手続き上の欠陥 |
the legal vacuum | hōteki shinkū | 法的真空 |
the security guard | keibīn | 警備員 |
the judicial archives | shihō ākaibu | 司法アーカイブ |
the aggravating circumstances | akka suru jōkyō | 悪化する状況 |
fingerprints | shimon | 指紋 |
the police force | keisatsu | 警察 |
the fees | ryōkin | 料金 |
the handcuffs | tejō | 手錠 |
the parties | pātī | パーティー |
the reinforcements | zōen | 増援 |
the forced labour | kyōsei rōdō | 強制労働 |
dead or alive | shindeiru ka ikiteiru ka | 死んでいるか生きているか |
in absentia | kesseki de | 欠席で |
premeditated | keikaku teki | 計画的 |
punitive | chōbatsu teki | 懲罰的 |
sought | motometa | 求めた |
severe | kibishī | 厳しい |
under oath | sensei no shita de | 宣誓の下で |
accuse | kokuhatsu suru | 告発する |
pay | shiharau | 支払う |
adjourn | enki suru | 延期する |
go to jail | keimusho ni ikimasu | 刑務所に行きます |
apply the law | hōritsu o tekiyō suru | 法律を適用する |
confess | kokuhaku suru | 告白する |
bleach | hyōhaku | 漂白 |
quash a decision | kettei o haki suru | 決定を破棄する |
certify | shōmei suru | 証明する |
commute a sentence | tsūkin | 通勤 |
appear | arawareru | 現れる |
convict | yūzai hanketsu | 有罪判決 |
confess | kokuhaku suru | 告白する |
confiscate | bosshū suru | 没収する |
contest | kontesuto | コンテスト |
falsify | kaizan suru | 改ざんする |
corroborate | kakushō suru | 確証する |
corrupt | fuhai shita | 腐敗した |
find guilty | yūzai o mitsukeru | 有罪を見つける |
declare not guilty | muzai o sengen suru | 無罪を宣言する |
hold | hōrudo | ホールド |
defer | enki suru | 延期する |
exonerate, launder | yōshanaku , sentaku | 容赦なく、洗濯 |
have | motteru | 持ってる |
disclose a document | bunsho o kaiji suru | 文書を開示する |
hire a lawyer | bengoshi o yatō | 弁護士を雇う |
investigate a case | jiken o chōsa suru | 事件を調査する |
be imprisoned, locked up | tōgoku sare , tojikomerareru | 投獄され、閉じ込められる |
be on a mission | shimei o hatasu | 使命を果たす |
be found guilty | yūzai to sareru | 有罪とされる |
appeal | apīru | アピール |
make a statement | genmei suru | 言明する |
falsify | kaizan suru | 改ざんする |
search | sagasu | 探す |
win a trial | saiban ni katsu | 裁判に勝つ |
to grace | megumi ni | 恵みに |
incriminate | tsumi o okasu | 罪を犯す |
indict | kiso | 起訴 |
instruct | shiji suru | 指示する |
sue | uttaeru | 訴える |
question | shitsumon | 質問 |
interrupt | warikomi | 割り込み |
rely as evidence | shōko toshite tayoru | 証拠として頼る |
invoke a means | shudan o yobidasu | 手段を呼び出す |
judge | saibankan | 裁判官 |
issue an arrest warrant against someone | dare ka nitaishite taihojō o hakkō suru | 誰かに対して逮捕状を発行する |
release on bail | hoshakukin | 保釈金 |
release, release | rirīsu | リリース |
threaten | obiyakasu | 脅かす |
neutralize, master | chūwa , masutā | 中和、マスター |
put the cuffs on | sodeguchi o kaburu | 袖口をかぶる |
patrol | patorōru | パトロール |
lose a trial | saiban o ushinau | 裁判を失う |
plead | kongan suru | 懇願する |
plead guilty | yūzai o mitomeru | 有罪を認める |
plead not guilty | muzai o shuchō suru | 無罪を主張する |
file a complaint | kujō o mōshitateru | 苦情を申し立てる |
sue | uttaeru | 訴える |
take an oath, swear | chikau | 誓う |
produce in court | hōtei de seisan suru | 法廷で生産する |
punish | bassuru | 罰する |
serve a sentence | bun o dasu | 文を出す |
refute | hanbaku suru | 反駁する |
dismiss an appeal | jōso o kyakka suru | 上訴を却下する |
deny an application | apurikēshon o kyohi suru | アプリケーションを拒否する |
make a judgment public | hanketsu o ōyake ni suru | 判決を公にする |
render a verdict | hyōketsu o dasu | 評決を出す |
solve a case | jiken o kaiketsu suru | 事件を解決する |
escape | nogareru | 逃れる |
oppose | hantai suru | 反対する |
seal | mippei suru | 密閉する |
surrender | gōbuku | 降伏 |
recant | rikanto | リカント |
suspect | yōgisha | 容疑者 |
testify | shōgen suru | 証言する |
testify under oath | sensei no shita de shōgen suru | 宣誓の下で証言する |
bring to justice | seigi o motarasu | 正義をもたらす |
drop the charges | ryōkin o otosu | 料金を落とす |
tail someone | dare ka o bikō | 誰かを尾行 |
make an investigation, investigate | chōsa suru | 調査する |
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