Chinese Vocabulary Lists (PDF) |
Here you can find Chinese vocabulary lists by topics that you can download for free. The PDFs are included in each lesson. Please let me know if there are themes you would likes to see on this page!
- Greetings & polite phrases
- Useful phrases & questions for conversation
- 100 most commonly used Chinese words
- 100 most common Chinese verbs
- 100 useful Chinese verbs you should know
- 100 Chinese adverbs you should know
- 100 Chinese verbs of movements & action
- Chinese words used in english
- English words used in chinese
- Articles & pronouns
- Adjectives (A to C)
- Adjectives (D to F)
- Adjectives (G to M)
- Adjectives (N to R)
- Adjectives (S to Z)
- Colours
- Numbers & quantities
- Calendar (Days, Months, Seasons)
- Animals
- Insects
- Fish & aquatic animals
- Birds
- Bicycles
- Cars & driving
- Trains & railways
- Airport & air travel
- Travel & tourism
- Useful words &phrases for traveling
- Giving directions
- Body parts (the human body)
- Camping
- Careers (jobs & professions)
- Cinema & movies
- Photography
- Clothes
- Computers & internet
- Countries & nationalities
- Describing people
- Education & school
- Environment & nature
- Family members
- Food & drinks
- Free time &Â Hobbies
- Fruits &Â Vegetables
- Trees, plants & gardening
- Farming & agriculture
- Countryside
- Geographical names (cities names & places)
- Health & medical words
- Hotel
- House & home
- Furniture & appliances
- Communication & services
- Materials
- Music
- Personal items
- Beach & seaside
- Shopping
- Sports
- Time
- Tools
- Places in town
- The weather
- TV, press & social medias
- Finance
- Business
- Describe personality: character & behaviour
- Sciences & energy
- Astronomy, space & universe
- Politics & Government
- Feelings & emotions
- Religion
- Halloween
- Christmas
- Love & wedding
- Geography & landscapes
- Immigration
- Bank & Money
- Job interview
- War & peace
- History & past
- Architecture & construction
- Law & justice
- Cosmetics & body care
- Diet, nutrition & lifestyle
- Mind & opinion
- Chinese prepositions
- False cognates (false friends)
- Idiomatic expressions in Chinese (1/2)
- Idiomatic expressions in Chinese (2/2)
- Opposites words (1/2)
- Opposites words (2/2)
- Transition & linking words
- Real estate
- The 5 senses
- Describing things
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