portuguese vocabulary

Portuguese verbs list pdf movement action

Portuguese verbs list pdf movement action

🇵🇹 Complete Portuguese vocabulary list 🇵🇹

Want to learn the Portuguese language?  Here’s a complete list of the most common and useful verbs of movement and action in Portuguese with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Portuguese vocabulary!




accompany acompanhar
accelerate acelerar
applaud aplaudir
approach aproximar-se
arrive acontecer
bite morder
blink your eyes piscar os olhos
blow soprar
break/break quebrar
breathe respirar
bring back/ report devolver
bring/ bring something trazer algo
build construir
catch apanhar
chew mastigar
choose escolher
climb escalar
close fechar
come vir
continue prosseguir
cook cozinhar
count contar
crawl rastejar
crossing (something) passar (alguma coisa)
cry chorar
dance dançar
discard afastar
dive mergulhar
dodge esquivar-se
dream sonhar
drink beber
drive conduzir
eat comer
enter entrar
escape escapar
escape fugir
expand/ spread out estender/ espalhar- se
fall cair
feel sentir
float flutuar
fold dobrar
follow (someone) seguir (alguém)
get off descer
get out sair
get up levantar-se
give dar
go ir
go to bed deitar-se
grow engordar
hang out arrastar
howl/scream gritar
increase aumentar
jump saltar
jump/ jump saltar
kick dar um pontapé
kiss beijar
kiss/ hug abraçar
kneel/ kneel down Ajoelhar-se
knock bater
laugh rir
launch lançar
leave sair
leave deixar
lick lamber
lie down deitar-se
lift levantar
listen escutar
lose weight perder peso
move (something) mover (alguma coisa)
move / se déplacer mover/ mover-se
move forward avançar
open abrir
park estacionar
pass passar
pick up apanhar
pour despejar (água )
push empurrar
reach/ join alcançar/ participar
read ler
repair (something) reparar (qualquer coisa)
repeat repetir
return (somewhere) / back retornar (em algum lugar)/ voltar
ride rolar
run correr
search/ search procurar
see ver
shake abanar
shoot puxar
shout gritar
shower/ take a shower tomar banho / tomar um duche
shrug shoulders encolher os ombros
sing cantar
sit down sentar-se
sleep dormir
slide escorregar
sniff cheirar
squatting agachar-se
steal roubar
stop deter
swallow engolir
sweat suar/ suar
swim nadar
take pegar
take/ take away levar
talk falar
teach ensinar
think pensar
throw/throw lançar
to go backward (in time) voltar atrás
touch tocar
turn girar
turn around virar-se
visit visitar
walk andar
walk away afastar-se
watch olhar para
wear/ take away levar (para casa)
whisper sussurrar
whistle assobiar
wink piscar um olho/ piscar o olho
work trabalhar
write escrever
yawn bocejar
