
The 100 Most Common Nepali Verbs

100 Most common Nepali verbs list

– Basic & Useful verbs list –


Want to learn the Nepali language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful verbs in Nepali with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Nepali vocabulary!

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to accept Svīkāra garnuhōs
to add thapnuhōs
to allow anumati dinuhōs
to answer javāpha
to arrive ā’ipugcha
to ask sōdhnu
to be huna
to become bannu
to believe viśvāsa
to break brēka
to bring lyā’unuhōs
to buy kinnuhōs
to call kala
to change parivartana
to choose chānnuhōs
to clean saphā
to close banda
to come ā’unuhōs
to come back phirtā ā’unuhōs
to continue jārī rākhnuhōs
to cook pakā’unē
to count gaṇanā
to cry runu
to cut kāṭnu
to decide nirṇaya
to do garnu
to drive ḍrā’ibha
to eat khānu
to enter praviṣṭa garnuhōs
to exist avasthita cha
to explain vyākhyā garnuhōs
to fall patana
to fall asleep sutnu
to find phēlā pārnuhōs
to finish samāpta
to fly uḍnu
to follow pachyā’una
to forget birsanu
to get off bāhira jānuhōs
to get out bāhira jā’ū
to give dinu
to go jānuhōs
to have cha
to hear sunnuhōs
to help maddata
to hold hōlḍa garnuhōs
to keep rākhna
to know jānnuhuncha
to laugh hām̐sna
to learn siknuhōs
to leave chōḍa
to listen sunnuhōs
to live lā’ibha
to look like jastō dēkhincha
to look hēra
to lose harā’unu
to love māyā
to make banā’una
to meet bhēṭna
to need āvaśyakatā
to open khōlnuhōs
to pay bhuktāna
to play khēlnu
to prepare tayārī
to prevent rōkathāma
to put rākhnu
to read paḍhnuhōs
to recall samjhanā
to receive prāpta garnuhōs
to recognize pahicāna
to refuse asvīkāra
to remember samjhanu
to repeat dōhōryā’unuhōs
to rest viśrāma
to return pharkinu
to run dauḍanu
to say bhannuhōs
to search khōja
to see hērnuhōs
to sell bēcnuhōs
to send paṭhā’unuhōs
to shoot gōlī māra
to show dēkhā’unu
to sing gā’unuhōs
to sit down basa
to sleep sutnu
to start suru
to stay rahanu
to stop rōka
to succeed saphala
to switch off banda garnuhōs
to take linuhōs
to talk kurā
to taste svāda
to think sōcnuhōs
to throw phālnu
to touch sparśa
to try prayāsa garnuhōs
to turn ghumā’unuhōs
to turn on khōlnuhōs
to understand bujhnuhōs
to use prayōga garnuhōs
to wait parkhanuhōs
to wake up uṭhnuhōs
to walk hiḍnu
to want cāhancha
to wash up dhunuhōs
to wear lagā’unu
to win jīta
to work kāma
to write lēkhnuhōs

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