
The Most Common Adjectives in Slovenian

100 Most common Slovenian adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Slovenian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Slovenian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Slovenian vocabulary!

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a lot veliko
accurate natančen
bad slabo
beautiful čudovito
big velik
boring dolgočasen
brave pogumen
broken zlomljen
clumsy neroden
cold hladen
colorful Barvita
comfortable Udobno
complicated zapleten
crazy noro
curious radoveden
cute srčkano
dangerous nevaren
dark temen
dead mrtev
deep globok
delicious slasten
different različen
dirty umazan
disgusting Nagnusno
dry suh
easy lahek
edible užiten
effective Učinkovito
elegant Elegantno
empty izprazniti
excellent odličen
excited Navdušena
exciting Razburljivo
famous slaven
far daleč
fast hitro
first prvi
forbidden prepovedan
friendly prijateljski
full poln
fun zabava
funny zabavno
good dobro
great krasno
heavy težek
high visok
honest pošten
huge ogromen
immediate takojšnji
important pomemben
impossible nemogoč
incredible Neverjetno
innocent nedolžen
intelligent inteligenten
interesting zanimiv
international mednaroden
jealous ljubosumen
lazy len
legal pravniški
long dolg
many mnogo
mysterious skrivnosten
narrow ozek
necessary potrebno
new nov
nice lepo
noisy hrupen
official Uradni
old star
open odprt
ordinary navaden
passionate strasten
patient potrpežljiv
perfect popoln
polluted Onesnažena
poor reven
popular priljubljen
possible možen
powerful močan
precious Plemenite
quiet tih
rare redek
rich bogat
romantic romantičen
rotten gnil
sad žalostno
scary strašen
set nastaviti
short kratek
shy Sramežljiv
sick bolan
silent Tiho
similar podoben
simple preprost
slow počasen
small majhen
solid trden
special poseben
strange čuden
strong Močno
stubborn trmast
sympathetic Simpatičnega
tedious Dolgočasno
thick debel
thin tanek
tiny droben
tired utrujen
traditional tradicionalen
unique edinstven
warm topel
weak slab
weird Čudno
wet moker
worst Najslabši
young mlad

➡️ More Slovenian vocabulary lists:


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