
Learn Estonian Vocabulary • Travel and tourism

Estonian Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Estonian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Estonian with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Estonian vocabulary!

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travel reisida
tourism turism
a hotel hotell
on time õigel ajal
late hilja
the airport lennujaama
landing maandumine
take-off õhkutõus
the air conditioning kliimaseade
the distance kaugus
the customs tollid
the border piir
the train station rongijaam
the bus station bussijaam
a ticket pilet
the reception vastuvõtt
the reservation broneering
the road tee
a highway kiirtee
the plane lennuk
by plane lennukiga
the bus buss
the taxi takso
the train rongi
the car auto
a helicopter helikopter
the sign märk
the parking lot parkla
the passport passi
the seat iste
the toilet tualett
the sunglasses päikeseprillid
a key võti
a camera kaamera
one way ticket üheotsapilet
a return ticket edasi-tagasi pilet
a ticket office piletikassa
an accommodation majutuskoht
a pillow padi
a blanket tekk
a sleeping bag magamiskott
a luggage pagasit
a bag kott
a backpack seljakott
an information teave
a tourist turist
a vaccine vaktsiin
an insurance kindlustus
a postcard postkaart
an itinerary teekond
a destination sihtkoht
a flashlight taskulamp
an electrical outlet elektripistikupesa
a tent telk
a suitcase kohver
to visit külastama
to travel reisima
to rent rentima
to leave lahkuma
to cancel tühistada
to cancel a reservation broneeringu tühistamiseks
to photograph pildistada
the wind tuul
the snow lumi
the rain vihm
the storm tormi
the sun päike
the sea meri
a mountain mägi
a lake järv
a national park rahvuspark
a country riik
a forest mets
a cave koobas
an island saar
a beach rand
the nature loodus
the landscape maastik
sun cream päikesekreem
a towel rätik

➡️ More Estonian vocabulary lists:


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