
Learn Croatian Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

Croatian Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Croatian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Croatian with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Croatian vocabulary!

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travel putovati
tourism turizam
a hotel hotel
on time na vrijeme
late kasno
the airport zračna luka
landing slijetanje
take-off polijetanje
the air conditioning klima uređaj
the distance udaljenost
the customs običaji
the border granica
the train station željeznička stanica
the bus station autobusni kolodvor
a ticket ulaznica
the reception recepcija
the reservation rezervacija
the road cesta
a highway autocesta
the plane zrakoplov
by plane avionom
the bus autobus
the taxi taksi
the train vlak
the car auto
a helicopter helikopter
the sign znak
the parking lot parkiralište
the passport putovnica
the seat sjedalo
the toilet toalet
the sunglasses sunčane naočale
a key ključ
a camera kamera
one way ticket jednosmjerna karta
a return ticket povratna karta
a ticket office ured za prodaju karata
an accommodation smještaj
a pillow jastuk
a blanket pokrivač
a sleeping bag vreća za spavanje
a luggage prtljaga
a bag torba
a backpack ruksak
an information informacija
a tourist turista
a vaccine cjepivo
an insurance osiguranje
a postcard razglednica
an itinerary plan puta
a destination odredište
a flashlight baterijska svjetiljka
an electrical outlet električna utičnica
a tent šator
a suitcase kofer
to visit posjetiti
to travel putovati
to rent iznajmiti
to leave otići
to cancel otkazati
to cancel a reservation za otkazivanje rezervacije
to photograph fotografirati
the wind vjetar
the snow snijeg
the rain kiša
the storm oluja
the sun sunce
the sea more
a mountain planina
a lake jezero
a national park nacionalni park
a country zemlja
a forest šuma
a cave špilja
an island otok
a beach plaža
the nature priroda
the landscape krajolik
sun cream krema za sunčanje
a towel ručnik

➡️ More Croatian vocabulary lists:


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