
Learn Bulgarian Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

Bulgarian Vocabulary: Travel and tourism

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Bulgarian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Bulgarian with their translation in English, on the topic of travel and tourism. Ideal to help you boost your Bulgarian vocabulary!

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travel pŭtuvane
tourism turizŭm
a hotel khotel
on time na vreme
late kŭsen
the airport letishteto
landing katsane
take-off svalyam, otlitam
the air conditioning klimatika
the distance razstoyanieto
the customs obichaite
the border granitsata
the train station garata
the bus station avtogarata
a ticket bilet
the reception retseptsiyata
the reservation rezervatsiyata
the road pŭtyat
a highway magistrala
the plane samoletŭt
by plane sŭs samolet
the bus avtobusŭt
the taxi taksito
the train vlaka
the car kolata
a helicopter khelikopter
the sign znakŭt
the parking lot parkinga
the passport pasporta
the seat myastoto
the toilet toaletnata
the sunglasses ochilata
a key klyuch
a camera fotoaparat
one way ticket ednoposochen bilet
a return ticket dvuposochen bilet
a ticket office biletna kasa
an accommodation nastanyavane
a pillow vŭzglavnitsa
a blanket odeyalo
a sleeping bag spalen chuval
a luggage edin bagazh
a bag chanta
a backpack ranitsa
an information informatsiya
a tourist turist
a vaccine vaksina
an insurance zastrakhovka
a postcard poshtenska kartichka
an itinerary marshrut
a destination destinatsiya
a flashlight fenerche
an electrical outlet elektricheski kontakt
a tent palatka
a suitcase kufar
to visit da posetya
to travel da pŭtuvam
to rent naemam
to leave da napusna
to cancel za otmyana
to cancel a reservation za anulirane na rezervatsiya
to photograph da snimam
the wind vyatŭra
the snow snega
the rain dŭzhdŭt
the storm buryata
the sun slŭntseto
the sea moreto
a mountain planina
a lake ezero
a national park natsionalen park
a country strana
a forest gora
a cave peshtera
an island ostrov
a beach plazh
the nature prirodata
the landscape peĭzazha
sun cream slŭntsezashtiten krem
a towel khavliya

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