
The Most Common Adjectives in Bulgarian

100 Most common Bulgarian adjectives list

– Basic & Useful adjectives list –


Want to learn the Bulgarian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful adjectives in Bulgarian with their translation in English. Ideal to help you boost your Bulgarian vocabulary!

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a lot mnogo
accurate tochen
bad losho
beautiful krasiv
big golyam
boring skuchno e
brave smel
broken schupen
clumsy tromav
cold stud
colorful tsveten
comfortable udobno
complicated slozhno
crazy lud
curious lyubopiten
cute sladko
dangerous opasno
dark tŭmno
dead mŭrtŭv
deep Dŭlbok
delicious mnogo vkusen
different razlichno
dirty mrŭsen
disgusting otvratitelno
dry sukha
easy lesno
edible godni za konsumatsiya
effective efektiven
elegant eleganten
empty prazen
excellent otlichno
excited razvŭlnuvan
exciting vŭlnuvashto
famous izvesten
far dalech
fast bŭrz
first pŭrvi
forbidden zabranen
friendly priyatelski nastroen
full pŭlen
fun zabavlenie
funny zabaven
good dobre
great strakhoten
heavy tezhŭk
high Visoko
honest chesten
huge ogromen
immediate nezabavno
important vazhno
impossible nevŭzmozhen
incredible neveroyaten
innocent nevinen
intelligent inteligenten
interesting interesno
international mezhdunarodni
jealous revniv
lazy mŭrzeliv
legal praven
long dŭlgo
many mnogo
mysterious misteriozen
narrow tesni
necessary neobkhodimo
new nov
nice khubavo
noisy shumen
official ofitsialen
old star
open otvoren
ordinary obiknoveni
passionate strasten
patient tŭrpeliv
perfect perfekten
polluted zamŭrseni
poor bedni
popular populyaren
possible vŭzmozhen
powerful moshten
precious skŭpotsenen
quiet tikho
rare redki
rich bogat
romantic romantichen
rotten gnilo
sad tŭzhen
scary strashen
set komplekt
short kŭs
shy sramezhliv
sick bolen
silent bezshumen
similar podoben
simple prosto
slow baven
small malŭk
solid tvŭrdo
special spetsialen
strange stranno
strong silen
stubborn inat
sympathetic simpatichen
tedious dosaden
thick debel
thin tŭnŭk
tiny mŭnichŭk
tired umoren
traditional traditsionen
unique edinstven po roda si
warm toplo
weak slab
weird stranno
wet mokŭr
worst naĭ-loshoto
young mlad

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