
Basic Slovenian Vocabulary: Family and friends

Slovenian Vocabulary: Family and friends

– Useful words you should know –


Want to learn the Slovenian language? Here’s a complete list of the most basic, common and useful words in Slovenian with their translation in English, on the topic of family and friends. Ideal to help you boost your Slovenian vocabulary!

Do you spot any errors or want to add a word to the list? Don’t hesitate to leave a comment to improve the site!

the great-grandfather praded
the great grandmother pra babica
the grandfather dedek
the grandmother babica
the grandson vnuk
the granddaughter vnukinja
the grandchildren vnuki
the father oče
the mother mati
the parents starši
the child otroku
the children otroci
the son sin
the daughter hči
a baby dojenček
a teenager najstnik
the adults odraslih
the brother brat
the sister sestra
half-brother polbrat
half-sister polsestra
a twin dvojček
the uncle stric
the aunt teta
the cousin bratranec
the nephew nečak
the niece nečakinja
a friend prijatelj
the boyfriend fant
the girlfriend dekle
the fiancé zaročenca
the groom ženin
the husband mož
the wife žena
the parents-in-law tašča
father-in-law tast
the mother-in-law tašča
the brother-in-law svak
the sister-in-law svakinja
the son-in-law zet
the daughter-in-law snaha
a family member družinski član
adopted Sprejeti
only son edini sin

➡️ More Slovenian vocabulary lists:


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