
Basic Hebrew words for beginners

Basic Hebrew words for beginners

– Essential words to know –


Learn the essentials of Hebrew easily with this vocabulary list that contains all the most basic words used in Hebrew, with their english translations. If you’re a beginner, it will come in handy to review or learn Hebrew by yourself before traveling, or if you want to enrich and improve your Hebrew vocabulary to better express yourself in writing and speaking!

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Please ื‘ื‘ืงืฉื” bebkasha
Thank you! ืชื•ื“ื”! thuda!
Sorry!ย  ืกืœื™ื—ื”!ย  slicha!ย 
What? ืžื”? ma?
Who? ืžื™? mei?
When? ืžืชื™? the?
Why? ืœืžื”? lema?
Which? ืืฉืจ? asher?
How? ืื™ืš? way?
Whereย ? ืื™ืคื”? wheres?
How muchย ? ื›ืžื”? kama?
Yes ื›ืŸ kin
Noย  ืœืย  loย 
Maybe ืื•ืœื™ ollie
Of course ื‘ื˜ื— btach
something ืžืฉื”ื• mesho
nothing ื›ืœื•ื clom
somebody ืžื™ืฉื”ื• misho
nobody ืืฃ ืื—ื“ af ekhad
before ืœืคื ื™ lipni
after ืื—ืจื™ ahri
far ืจื—ื•ืง rachock
near ืงืจื•ื‘ karov
here ื”ื ื” hana
there ืฉื sham
today ื”ื™ื•ื hayom
tomoorow ื˜ื•ืžื•ืจื• tomoro
now ื›ืขืช kath
man ืื™ืฉ ish
woman ืืฉื” asha
friend ื—ื‘ืจ heber
more ืขื•ื“ oud
less ืคื—ื•ืช pachate
always ืชืžื™ื“ temid
later ืžืื•ื—ืจ ื™ื•ืชืจ maucher extra
never ืืฃ ืคืขื af time
same ื–ื”ื” zaha
different ืฉื•ื ื” shauna
small ืงื˜ืŸ qatan
large ื’ื“ื•ืœ gadol
difficult ืงืฉื” kasha
easy ืงืœ kel
hot ื—ื ham
cold ืงืจ kar
yesterday ืืชืžื•ืœ athmole
after ืื—ืจื™ ahri
beautiful ื™ืคื” yaffa
broken ืฉื‘ื•ืจ schebur
free ื—ื™ื ื hinem
a pharmacy ื‘ื™ืช ืžืจืงื—ืช bet morkeat
money ื›ืกืฃ kasef
a bag ืชื™ืง tick
a lighter ืžืฆื™ืช state
aย cigarette ืกื™ื’ืจื™ื” sigaria
a bottle ื‘ืงื‘ื•ืง baby
soap ืกื‘ื•ืŸ savon
clean ื ืงื™ neki
dirty ืžืœื•ื›ืœืš malochalek
a trash can ืคื— ืืฉืคื” fach ashfa
a trash bag ืฉืงื™ืช ืืฉืคื” sakey ashfa
the silence ื”ืฉืชื™ืงื” hashtika
a tool ื›ืœื™ tell
pregnant ื”ืจื” hera
sick ื—ื•ืœื” hula
a baby ืชื™ื ื•ืง tinok
a little bit ืงืฆืช ketzet
a doctor ืจื•ืคื rofe
a dentist ืจื•ืคื ืฉื™ื ื™ื™ื rofe shiniem
a medicine ืชืจื•ืคื” rufe
a book ืกืคืจ sefer
a story ืกื™ืคื•ืจ short
a phone ื˜ืœืคื•ืŸ talpon
a computer ืžื—ืฉื‘ mehshav
a car ืžื›ื•ื ื™ืช radio
a plane ืžื˜ื•ืก metos
the name ื”ืฉื heshm
the adress ื”ื›ืชื•ื‘ืช admotan
the age ื”ื’ื™ืœ hagil
the nationality ื”ืœืื•ื haleom
a choice ื‘ื—ื™ืจื” bias
an answer ืชืฉื•ื‘ื” tshuva
the key ื”ืžืคืชื— himpto
the light ื”ืื•ืจ fire
the television ื”ื˜ืœื•ื•ื™ื–ื™ื” etlevisia
the bed ื”ืžื™ื˜ื” hemita
the house ื”ื‘ื™ืช white
the shower ื”ืžืงืœื—ืช ingon
the window ื”ื—ืœื•ืŸ hahalon
the door ื”ื“ืœืช hadalt
the table ื”ื˜ื‘ืœื” hatabela
tired ืขื™ื™ืฃ ayfa
water ืžื™ื mayim
open ืคืชื•ื— stud
closed ืกื’ื•ืจ sagor
clothes ื‘ื’ื“ื™ื bagedis
coffee ืงืคื” kapa
tea ืชื” tha
lunch ืืจื•ื—ืช ืฆื”ืจื™ื™ื aruhat tsahrayim
dinner ืืจื•ื—ืช ืขืจื‘ aruhat erev
a fruit ืคืจื™ friut
a vegetable ื™ืจืง jork
a beverage ืžืฉืงื” miska
a child ื™ืœื“ child
rain ื’ืฉื gesm
the entrance ื”ื›ื ื™ืกื” indentation
the exit ื”ื™ืฆื™ืื” hice
music ืžื•ื–ื™ืงื” mizrahi
a smile ื—ื™ื•ืš archaic
the world ื”ืขื•ืœื haolam
the sky ื”ืฉืžื™ื™ื heshmidae
a river ื ื”ืจ neher
the sea ื”ื™ื agean
the mountain ื”ื”ืจ hor
the lake ื”ืื’ื hagem
the island ื”ืื™ hai
the beach ื—ื•ืฃ ื”ื™ื hof agean

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